“I’m not good enough, I’m too tall, I’m too short, I’m too fat, I’m too skinny”
Any of those ring a bell?? If they do, don’t worry…you’re not alone. Lack of self-confidence is a very common issue.
But common as it may be, when you’re striving for excellence, as you push forward with your goals and endeavour to shape your future to be extraordinary, a lack of self-confidence is NOT something you want hanging around your neck.
It may be a common issue but it’s one that carries a heavy weight and if you’re shooting for the stars you need to be able to cast this dead weight aside in order to maximize your true potential.
In order to do this you first need to understand where a lack of self-confidence stems from.
You may be surprised to know that an important factor in our self-confidence is not necessarily what others say about us, but rather what we say about OURSELVES!
Here’s a simple example… Read more